Anindya is a Financial & Legal Translation Services in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Financial and legal translation services have become a necessity in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. This is especially true for businesses that must keep up with the country’s rapidly changing financial and legal environment. In order to do so, companies must ensure that their documents, contracts, and other legal documents are properly translated from English to Bahasa Indonesia, and vice versa.  DKI Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, has a population of about 10.4 million people and is the largest city in the country. This city is the most popular destination for businesses looking for legal and financial translation services. The city has a variety of qualified translation companies that specialize in this type of work. These companies use experienced sworn translators to ensure accurate translations of legal and financial documents.  The cost of financial and legal translation services in DKI Jakarta can vary greatly depending on the type of document being translated as well as the complexity of the translation. Legal documents, such as contracts and agreements, tend to require more detailed translations and therefore cost more than translations of more simple documents. In addition, the cost of translation services can be higher if the translator is required to travel to the client’s location.  In addition to providing accurate translations of legal and financial documents, Anindya is a DKI Jakarta-based translation company that provides other services such as legal and financial advice. Anindya provide advice on legal and financial matters as well as provide guidance on how to best handle different documents and transactions.  To find the best translation company in DKI Jakarta, it is important to research different companies and compare the services they offer. It is also important to ensure the translation company is qualified and has the experience required to provide an accurate translation. By researching different companies and comparing their services, businesses in DKI Jakarta can find the perfect translation company to meet their needs.


Anindya is a sworn translator office that specializes in translating, interpreting, and certifying legal and official documents to over 10 different languages from and into Indonesian, English, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Russia, Thai, Vietnamese, Dutch, German and French with experience in translating court decisions, whether they are general court decisions, religious courts, commercial courts and arbitration courts. In addition to court decisions, we are also experienced in translating other legal documents such as laws, Government Regulations, Supreme Court Circulars, Supreme Court Regulations, Regional Regulations, Company Regulations, Agreements, Notary Deeds and other official documents. Our branch offices located in DKI Jakarta, Cibubur, Depok, Bandung and Bali.




Telephone: +62218452261

Whatsapp: +62-81287269379

Anindyatrans Sworn Translation Service

Anindyatrans is an office for those in need of a sworn translation service in Jakarta with a number of professional sworn translators, many of which specialize in legal translation. Anindyatrans employ experienced sworn translators with the necessary qualifications to perform sworn translations, as well as legal advisors and other professionals who can help to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the translation process.

One of the benefits of Anindyatrans has as a sworn translation service in Jakarta is the ability to have documents translated quickly and accurately. Sworn translators are required to adhere to a strict code of ethics and are held to a high level of accuracy in their translations. This means that any documents translated by a sworn translator can be accepted and used for official purposes.

Anindyatrans Sworn Translation Service have branches in all region of DKI Jakarta also provide a number of other services, including notarization of documents. Notarization is a process in which a public official or other authorized person verifies that a document is genuine and legally binding. This is important for a number of reasons, including providing assurance that the document is authentic and that any signatures or other legal elements are valid.

Anindyatrans Sworn Translation Service also provide other services such as document authentication and legalization. Authentication is a process in which a document is verified as being genuine, while legalization is a process in which a document is verified as being legally binding. Both of these services are important for a number of reasons, including providing assurance that the document can be used for official purposes.

Anindyatrans Sworn Translation Service have the qualifications and experience with translators who are well versed in the language of the document being translated and that they have the necessary legal qualifications. Working with a qualified and experienced sworn translator will help to ensure that documents are translated quickly, accurately, and with the necessary legal requirements.

Anindyatrans is a sworn translator office with experience in translating court decisions, whether they are general court decisions, religious courts, commercial courts and arbitration courts. In addition to court decisions, we are also experienced in translating other legal documents such as laws, Government Regulations, Supreme Court Circulars, Supreme Court Regulations, Regional Regulations, Company Regulations, Agreements, Notary Deeds and other official documents.

Our branch offices located in DKI Jakarta, Cibubur, Depok, Bandung and Bali.

Telepon: +62218452261
Whatsapp: +62-81310304594

Translator Tersumpah Anindyatrans

Translator tersumpah merupakan profesi yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus dalam menjalankan profesinya serta memiliki tanggung jawab besar atas kebenaran dan kualitas hasil terjemahannya. Penggunaan kosa kata tepat menjadi penting dalam proses penerjemahan agar tidak terjadi multitafsir atau kesalahan menafsirkan mengenai maksud dan artinya. Setiap translator tersumpah harus memahami terminologi dan pengetahuan tentang ilmu dan sistem hukum karena memahami teks hukum bukan hanya memahami bahasanya saja, tetapi juga harus memahami dampak yang ditimbulkan dari sebuah teks hukum.

Apabila terjadi penafsiran yang berbeda terhadap hasil terjemahan maka yang digunakan adalah dokumen yang dibuat dalam bahasa aslinya. Anindyatrans sebagai Kantor Translator Tersumpah memberikan layanan jasa menerjemahkan dokumen legal atau hukum seperti akta lahir, Ijazah, kontrak, perjanjian, kemasan atau label atau packaging dan dokumen resmi lainnya. Kebutuhan Translator Tersumpah tidak hanya menjadi kebutuhan kota besar, keberadaan Translator Tersumpah sudah masuk ke berbagai sektor usaha seperti pendidikan, ekonomi, perbankan, industri kemasan makanan, otomotif dan perusahaan manufaktur.

Anindyatrans sebagai translator tersumpah menyediakan layanan jasa terjemahan lisan & tulisan untuk bahasa Inggris Mandarin Jepang Korea Thai Vietnam Jerman Belanda Rusia Prancis dengan cabang di DKI Jakarta Medan Palembang Batam Cilegon Bekasi Bogor Bandung Semarang Surabaya Makassar dan Denpasar.

Hubungi kami di 021-8452261
WA: 0813 1030 4594

Anindyatrans Jasa Terjemahan Bersertifikat

Menurut American Translators Association, “Terjemahan bersertifikat adalah terjemahan yang disertai dengan pernyataan yang ditandatangani yang membuktikan bahwa terjemahan itu akurat dan lengkap sesuai dengan pengetahuan dan kemampuan terbaik penerjemah.” Ini juga dikenal sebagai “Sertifikat Akurasi” dan disiapkan oleh penerjemah atau perusahaan penerjemah yang menerjemahkan dokumen tersebut. Sertifikasi ini lebih lanjut memastikan bahwa pekerjaan sesuai dengan standar tertinggi.

Dalam banyak kasus, penerjemah independen tidak dapat memberikan terjemahan tersertifikasi karena memang tidak memiliki kompetensi tersebut. Anindyatrans sebagai perusahaan penerjemah bahasa siap menangani terjemahan bersertifikat karena proses penjaminan kualitas yang ekstensif diserta dengan penerjemah yang bersertifikat.

Kenapa harus terjemahan bersertifikat?
Penerjemah bersertifikat adalah individu yang telah lulus ujian sertifikasi (dalam hal ini di Indonesia ujian tersebut dilakukan oleh Lembaga Bahasa Universitas Indonesia dan disertifikasi oleh Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi) untuk memverifikasi keterampilan terjemahan profesionalnya dalam bahasa tertentu. Tidak semua bahasa memiliki ujian sertifikasi, dan tidak semua negara mengharuskan penerjemah untuk disertifikasi.Terjemahan bersertifikat akan memiliki pernyataan bertanda tangan yang memverifikasi keakuratan terjemahan, disiapkan oleh penerjemah bersertifikat.

Terjemahan bersertifikat disahkan secara ketat mengikuti protokol resmi dan memiliki standar yang sama untuk menjamin kualitasnya. Anindyatrans menjamin hal tersebut diatas dan memastikan identitas penerjemah bersertifikat, meminta penerjemah bersertifikat untuk bersumpah bahwa dokumen yang diterjemahkan adalah akurat, dan meminta penerjemah bersertifikat menandatangani surat pernyataan.

Kapan terjemahan bersertifikat diperlukan?
Sebagian besar dokumen hukum memerlukan terjemahan bersertifikat, mengingat sifat konten yang sangat teknis serta konsekuensi ketat yang dapat terjadi jika terjadi kesalahan penerjemahan. Contohnya termasuk surat pernyataan, putusan sidang, kontrak, atau apa pun yang harus melewati badan hukum atau pemerintah. Dokumen resmi pemerintah, seperti akte kelahiran, juga perlu terjemahan bersertifikat.

Anindyatrans Kantor Penerjemah Bersertifikat untuk bahasa Inggris Mandarin Jepang Korea Thai Vietnam Jerman Belanda Rusia Prancis dengan kantor cabang di Medan Batam Jakarta Bekasi Bogor Bandung Semarang Surabaya Makassar dan Denpasar.

Tel. 021-8452261
WA: 0813 1030 4594


Anindyatrans provides legal translation from Bahasa Indonesia or other source language text to target language which not only consists of language system but also legal system using translation techniques used by the Association of Indonesian sworn translators in translating legal texts from Bahasa Indonesia or other source language text to target language.

Our work uses descriptive qualitative method with data obtained through content analysis and our services containing Certificate of Birth, Certificate of Marriage, Agreement, Notarial Deed, Manual Book, Study Report, Terms and Conditions. We translating legal and law scientific texts from Bahasa Indonesia or other source language text to target language conducted by Indonesian sworn translators.

Sworn translation is the process of transferring the meaning from source language text into target language which not only consists of language system but also legal system such as Birth Certificate, Certificate of Marriage, Agreement, Notarial Deed, Study Report, and Annual Report.

Anindyatrans is a sworn translator office with experience in translating court decisions, whether they are general court decisions, religious courts, commercial courts and arbitration courts. In addition to court decisions, we are also experienced in translating other legal documents such as laws, Government Regulations, Supreme Court Circulars, Supreme Court Regulations, Regional Regulations, Company Regulations, Agreements, Notary Deeds and other official documents.

Our branch offices located in DKI Jakarta, Cibubur, Depok, Bandung and Bali.

Telepon: +62218452261
Whatsapp: +62-81310304594

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